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Prevent Migraines Without Medication  

Good news for migraine sufferers. According to recent studies this side of headache disorders can be prevented with simple, natural, and at no cost.

Exercise has been shown to prevent migraine headaches and the effectiveness is not lost with drugs or other relaxation techniques. The conclusion is generated from research conducted by researchers from Sweden.

Although so far the doctors often recommend exercise to reduce migraine disorders, but this is the first study to specifically examine the link between regular exercise and a reduction in migraine pain.

In that study, migraine patients were divided into three groups. The first are those who are asked to exercise 40 minutes three times a week. The second group were asked to consume drugs containing topiramate migraine prevention, and a third group given only sport relaxation.

After six months, migraine frequency was reduced in all three groups. However, if there is a cheaper option and more healthful, why not choose the sport.

"Sport can be an alternative other than migraine prevention drug activity and relaxation. This option is particularly suitable for patients who do not want to take medicine," said Emma Varkey of the University of Gothenburg, Sweden.


Eggplant, binder Iron and Antioxidants  

Vegetables that one is not familiar in the ears. Distinctive shape with a purple color makes it easily recognizable from other vegetables.

Did you know that the eggplant has good antioxidant properties due to its content fitonutriennya phenol-containing components such as caffeic, chlorogenic acid and flavonoids such as nasunin?

Researchers from the U.S. Agricultural Service in Beltsville, Maryland phenol components stated in eggplant efficacious as an antioxidant. In addition to phenol, in aubergine there are other components that protect the body from bacterial and fungal infections.

Although eggplant vary, but it turns out there are variations in all the predominant content of phenol chlorogenic acid. Aside from being a free radical, an acid compound also serves as anticancer, antimicrobial and antiviral and anti-LDL.

In addition to chlorogenic acid, flavonoid components such as nasunin also an antioxidant and the body's cell membranes giving protection against free radicals by providing nutritious food for the brain. Cell membrane lipids in the brain contains cells that not only protects the body from free radicals but also for the body to absorb nutrients and dispose of the body's metabolism.


Good and Bad Side of Coffee Drinking  

Some people think, drinking coffee is a bad habit. In certain circumstances, this can be considered true. In pregnant women, for example, they should avoid caffeine because it can cause complications in the fetus.

But on the other hand, some studies have revealed that coffee consumption has provided a therapeutic benefit in the right amount. The following are the benefits and adverse effects that you should know from drinking coffee:


  • Tea, coffee, and chocolate is a natural source of caffeine. All three have advantages and provide many nutrients and antioxidants.
  • Research has shown that both intact and coffee beans have a remarkable ability to protect the brain. Evidence shows that Latin American society that often drink coffee milled from whole coffee beans have a small risk of getting Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.
  • Coffee increases your metabolism by 20 percent, according to research. It could even trigger the mechanism of muscle tissue rejuvenation.
  • According to one study, consuming the equivalent of two cups of coffee an hour before exercise can also help reduce the risk of muscle soreness for up to 48 percent. Before the exercise, the coffee will stimulate energy production and fat burning.
  • Caffeine conduct which is the inhibition of glutamate-making in your brain, making you alert and ready to move.


Vitamin D deficiency Trigger Colon Cancer?  

Colorectal cancer or cancer that attacks the colon and rectum cancer properties as other properties can be grown relatively quickly, or roots can infiltrate (infiltration) into other tissues and cause damage.

Although not yet known exactly what causes it, but a recent analysis showed a specific diet can reduce the risk of this cancer. Research shows a diet high in vitamin D may reduce colorectal cancer risk. The findings are reported in the Journal of Clinical Oncology.

In 18 studies involving more than 10,000 people, it is known that those who have higher vitamin D intake, the risk of colorectal cancer is 33 percent lower than the group that little intake of vitamin D. Meanwhile, the group who received the highest intake of vitamin D through supplements and food has 12 percent lower risk of colon cancer.


Do Not Underestimate The Food Allergy  

There are certain foods which, when absorbed into the body through digestion will trigger allergic reactions. Allergies can affect anyone. The reaction can be mild, but over time can give effect to serious, even life threatening. An article published in the Journal of Pediatrics concluded in 2011, 8 percent of American children under the age of 18 has a food allergy are at risk of death.

According to the American Academy of Asthma, between 150-200 Americans die each year from anaphylaxis (an acute allergic reaction), while in 2003 and 2006, food allergies cause about 317 000 people should be referred to the emergency departments of hospitals, outpatient clinics and clinics doctor. Based on this analysis, 90 percent of allergic reactions appear after a person ate food, milk, eggs, nuts, soy, wheat, fish and shellfish. Symptoms typically include itching, swelling, vomiting and diarrhea. If a patient with anaphylaxis is not immediately treated by administering epinephrine (adrenaline synthetic injected into the body) then it could be fatal.

Most food allergy reactions occur directly ie some time after eating. Allergic reactions to food is rarely emerged after two hours of eating. According to the exposure Sloane Miller, an expert on food allergies, there are many ways to avoid the incidence of allergy to food:

First, avoid certain foods that can trigger allergies, and consult an allergy specialist to make sure you are indeed suffering from allergies or simply food intolerenasi. Recognize also foods that can trigger allergies.

Second, always on guard to take drugs that you really need, such as antihistamines or other medications that a doctor can prescribe the appropriate level of seriousness of illness.

Third, establish strong relationships with relatives, teachers and family who can help you when in a pinch.


Keep the Heart of the Liver  

Hepatitis is one of the dangers of disease if not treated immediately. Disease that attacks the liver or liver is increasingly dangerous because the symptoms are not always visible. Learn more about hepatitis can help you and your loved ones from this disease.

The main function of the liver or liver is to filter out the toxins that exist in the blood. In addition, there are still about 500 other functions of the liver. If someone is suffering from hepatitis, which is an inflammation of the liver or liver, it can destroy the person's overall health because the toxins remain deposited on the blood and destroy or disrupt the work of other organs. Another result is to reject the liver blood flow so that a high blood pressure and rupture of blood vessels.

Destruction of the day or liver function may be caused by a person consumes alcohol to excess or ingested toxins that burden the work function of the liver and cause liver becomes damaged. However, in most cases, hepatitis is caused by a virus that is transmitted hepatitis.

There are 5 types of hepatitis viruses are named alphabetically. The five viruses are hepatitis A (VHA), hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), hepatitis D (VHD) and viral hepatitis E (VHE). These viruses continue to evolve and even expected at least there are still three more viruses that can cause hepatitis.

Viruses that infect humans are most HBV, causes hepatitis B. An estimated 1 in 3 people on Earth ever infected. About 350 million live with the virus settles in the body and potentially infect others. Approximately 78% of people with hepatitis befall the people of Asia and islands in the Pacific region. This virus caused the death of at least 600,000 people per year.

Initial treatment should be done immediately so that patients can be cured, because the slower handled, the virus will further damage the liver and even become cancerous. However, sometimes because they do not show obvious symptoms, most people do not realize that his body had already dwelt viral hepatitis and liver has become damaged.

Vaccinations can be given to someone to get antibodies from viral hepatitis A (VHA) and hepatitis B virus (HBV). However, for hepatitis C there is no vaccination to prevent it. While a person has not indicated this virus but the vaccine can prevent liver damage due to viral hepatitis symptoms may not begin until decades later. Vaccine in particular needs to be given to children because of their weaker immune to clear hepatitis virus than adults.

If the condition of the liver was severely damaged, the choice is to perform liver transplants. However, it will be difficult because the donor heart that there are fewer than a waiting list of patients who need liver.

Patients with hepatitis should eat nutritious food and adequate rest for the body to withstand the virus and prevent the virus the more that will menggeroti health sufferers.

Nutrition and good rest must also be met for all, because it could have without our knowledge, the virus infects and attacks the liver or liver. But, with a strong immune, the body will be able to handle this dangerous viral hepatitis.


Prevent Stroke with Food Set  

Better to prevent than cure. So says the proverb. Approximately a preventable disease is still coming, we must seek a lot of ways. One of them by adjusting daily food intake.
Stroke can be caused by blockage in the arteries leading to the brain, which are at risk of disruption of blood flow. Or also due to rupture of blood vessels. Ischemic stroke or a blockage occurs in 80 percent of stroke cases. While hemorrhagic stroke or rupture of blood vessels in the brain is the cause of 20 percent of strokes.

Risk factors for stroke include smoking, hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, and high cholesterol. Lifestyle factors likely you are to have a stroke or not, including eating foods that can lower the risk.
The following steps are how to reduce the risk of stroke through diet setting. However, you should also consult a doctor.

step 1

Reduce salt intake to lower blood pressure. Stop adding salt to food when you are cooking or eating. Do not forget to read food labels to know the salt content in foods.

step 2

Reduce your intake of calories if you include overweight. Obesity is highly susceptible to heart disease and diabetes. Both are risk factors for stroke. Better to eat whole grains, lean meats, fruits, and vegetables and healthy fats such as olive oil.

step 3

Limit your intake of foods containing saturated fat to control cholesterol. Avoid fatty meats, fast food and high fat dairy products when cholesterol levels rise.

step 4

Reduce intake of refined sugar to keep blood sugar levels. Limit consumption of soft drinks, cake, candy, ice cream and others that can damage the insulin levels in the body.


Apples Can Inhibit Breast Cancer Growth  

Breast cancer is one of the deadly disease more often affects women. In Indonesia, women who are diagnosed with this disease continues to increase every year. Even in the UK, breast cancer affects about 125 women in each day. That's why the researchers intensively conducted research to find a cure for the deadly disease.

More recently, research in the United States succeeded in finding new solutions to cope with breast cancer. Eating an apple every day is believed the researchers can suppress the growth of cancer cells.

In research using mice as the object of his research team from Cornell Univerity penenliti's Institute for Comparative and Environmental Toxycology, New York, found that apples may slow tumor growth asenocarcinoma which has been the largest cause of death in patients with breast cancer. The more apples given to the rats, the more it can be slowed tumor progression.

"The number of tumors in mice that we provide not only the fewer apples, but also much smaller, less dangerous and growing more slowly than in the mice that did not eat the apple," said Prof. Rui Hai Liu, who was involved in research.

The results have been published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, shows that about 81 percent of mice who did not consume apples growing tumor cells are moving quickly. While groups of rats that ate one apple every day, only 23 percent who experienced tumor cell cultures.

The research team believe that the content of flavonoids or phenolics that makes apples potentially inhibit tumor cell growth. According to them, there is one apple in the content of flavonoids or phenolics are high enough that can fight breast cancer.


Avoid Fatty Foods Stop Diabetes  

Did you, the incidence of metabolic and endocrine diseases currently quite high? This disease is chronic and progressive so that the required monitoring and continuous control to prevent or slow the chronic complications.

In fact, metabolic and endocrine diseases (diabetes, thyroid, pituitary tumors, parathyroid glands, adrenal, gonadal, calcium and bone metabolism, as well as several other hormonal diseases) is often found too late due to the prevalence of knowledge has not been a doctor in this field, in addition to patient noncompliance. For information, Polyclinic Medicine Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM) found at least 80 percent of cases of diabetes, 10 percent of the thyroid, and 10 remaining non-thyroid.

"The WHO predicts type 2 diabetes mellitus in Indonesia amounted to 8.4 million in 2000, then increased to 21.3 million in 2010. Several cities in Indonesia even known to have quite a lot of patient numbers, namely North Sumatra, East Java, and Sulawesi. It is influenced by lifestyle, eating habits fried foods, fast food, and local foods that contain high sugar levels, "said Dr. Dr. Budiman Widjodjo, SpPD at a press conference of The 7th Jakarta Meeting Endocrine and Diabetes The 20th Jakarta Meeting (JEM), Jade Room, Hotel Nikko, on Wednesday (08/06/2011).

Explained Dr. Dr. Budiman Widjodjo SpPD, once one of diabetes, then the rest of his life will continue to diabetes. The best that can be done is to take reasonable precautions, including routine blood sugar control, control your intake of fat and cholesterol the body, and further measure abdominal circumference. Lho kok?

"The easiest way to detect whether someone is at risk of developing diabetes is to measure abdominal circumference. Beware if the abdominal circumference exceeded 80 cm for women and 90 cm for men. Because diabetes mellitus is a genetically inherited disease, it is important for patients to be screened family against the possibility of diabetes, "added Dr. Dr. Budiman Widjodjo SpPD.

One focus of the conference JEM is thyroid disease. Thyroiditis is inflammation of the thyroid gland which may provide a sense of pain and hard when touched.

"Thyroid Disease more experienced women than men. Symptoms of mild hypothyroidism, for example, easily tired, so often escape the attention of patients and missed diagnosis. You could say the disease is caused by lack of iodine intake in the body, "said Dr. Suharko Soebardi, SpPD-KEMD, on the same occasion.

Added another speaker, Dr. Suharko Soebardi, SpPD-KEMD, options for recovery that can be taken by the patients is removal of the thyroid gland. Is it only in part or in whole, depending on the degree of malignancy.


Know For Miscarriages in Pregnant Women  

Miscarriage or abortion is the final event of a failed pregnancy where the embryo or fetus does not grow and survive. Usually this occurs before 20 weeks gestation. Bleeding or blood spotting in the first trimester of pregnancy is an early sign of miscarriage for most women.

Normally, when the sperm fertilize the egg, then that embryo is formed. Embryo cell divides genetic characteristics of her father and mother. Nevertheless, some specific genetic abnormalities that can cause miscarriage.

Some experts believe that aneuploidy, an abnormal number of chromosomes, can lead to failure of embryo implanted in the uterine wall. In some cases, aneuploidy embryos can undergo normal growing process but only to a certain point.

"In both cases, whether the embryo aneuploidy can attach itself to the lining of the uterus or not, a miscarriage may still occur," said Dr. Ivan Heredia, Gynaecology and Clinical Director Morula IVF Jakarta.

Approximately 30-80 percent of these cases will end in fetal death or even stillbirth. Even so, there is some abnormal fetus can continue to grow until the end of pregnancy and produce a baby with major disability.

"The problem with this chromosome occurs at random and had nothing to do with something that is done by both parents," said the doctor who handles many of these infertility problems.

How the way we look at this event? Miscarriage is an undesirable thing to any woman. However, the good news is there is a chance again for a subsequent pregnancy does not always end in miscarriage again.

"Although environmental factors and lifestyle of the mother has little effect on miscarriage, there are more important things to be aware of the other. A stressful lifestyle is not always increase the risk of women experiencing miscarriage. However, smoking, alcohol consumption, and obesity may increase the risk of miscarriage, "explained Dr Ivan.

Furthermore, Dr Ivan explained, in addition to the custom, the process of digestion or chemical teratogens can cause birth defects which may lead to miscarriage. In the same way, some infections such as Toxoplasma and Listeria have teratogenic effects.

Source : okezone


Sleep Deprivation Causes Diabetes  

Latest Research showed enough quality sleep and can help stabilize blood sugar. Therefore, people with diabetes are advised to arrange his sleep patterns. A recent study shows, if lack of sleep, the more elevated blood glucose levels and be more difficult to control the disease. The researchers compared 40 patients with type 2 diabetes with 531 people without diabetes.

The researchers studied the potential relationship between sleep quality, blood glucose levels, and other measures in controlling diabetes. "We found in those with diabetes, there is a correlation between lack of sleep and poorer glucose levels," said study leader Christian Knutson, an assistant professor at the University of Chicago, USA.

The conclusion of this study published in the May issue of the journal Diabetes Care. Previous research has found some relationship between diabetes and sleep quality. Knutson said, it was just an association, not cause causality. "This suggests that patients with diabetes are more susceptible to the effects of sleep disorders," he added. For the study, Knutson monitor participants' sleep patterns with activity monitors mounted on his wrist. "If he's a lot of moving the arm, meaning he is still awake," he said.

The study participants also reported their sleep quality. The researchers found that people with diabetes who have sleep problems have 23 percent higher levels of fasting glucose, 48 percent higher fasting insulin levels and insulin resistance 82 percent higher than those with diabetes who slept normally.

"These findings tend to reflect what is seen in clinical practice," said Dr. Joel Zonszein, Director of the Diabetes Center at Montefiore Medical Center, New York, United States. However, he revealed that the results do not answer the question "ayamtelur". "They can not tell us whether sugar levels will be higher because of poor sleep or patients who have a higher sugar will suffer from sleep disorders. Or are there other factors that cause it, "said Zonszein. Often times, Zonszein noted, people with type 2 diabetes are overweight and obese people generally can damage the quality of sleep. Obesity is known to be associated with disease-patients with sleep apnea stop breathing frequently at night and then woke up.

According Zonszein and Knutson, the message you want conveyed in this study is that patients with diabetes should watch their sleep quality. "If there is no research on sleep has been done, they (patients with diabetes) may want to ask the doctor (about what to do," said Zonszein.

Reduce stress, which is easier said than done, should be another goal for patients with diabetes who lack sleep. "Many people are stressed out, and they do not sleep well," he added. "Do not wait for the doctor to ask about sleep," Knutson said. Meanwhile, previous studies mentioned, someone less sleep less than six hours a day, three times more likely to have diabetes and heart disease. Studies by a team of researchers from Warwick Medical School and the State University of New York, Buffalo, New York, the United States have found that short sleep is associated with increased risk of pre-diabetic, which is known as impaired fasting glycaemia-incident (IFG).

IFG means that your body is not able to regulate glucose levels as efficiently as it could be done. Those who have IFG had a greater risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease and stroke. The study looked at data from 1455 participants enrolled in the Western New York Health Study for six years was published in the journal Annals of Epidemiology. All participants aged between 35 to 79 years, and they completed a clinical examination including measurement of blood pressure, height, and weight.

They also completed a questionnaire about general health and sleep patterns. Chairman of the team of researchers at Warwick Medical School, Dr. Saverio Stranges, say, less than six hours of sleep is closely related to three-fold increased risk of having IFG compared with those who slept for an average of six to eight hours a night. This is the first study that looked at the relationship between sleep duration and IFG. According to Stranges, there are several ways in which loss of sleep can trigger a disorder of glucose metabolism.

"Some previous studies showed that short sleep time resulted in an increase of 28% levels that stimulate appetite hormone ghrelin that affect eating habits. Several other studies also indicate that lack of sleep can lower glucose tolerance and increased production of cortisol, a hormone that affects the level of stress, "he added.


HIV Vaccine Done Soon !  

Australian scientists a step to find a vaccine for HIV. They hope that these findings could eventually help human life for the future.

The experts at the University of Melbourne has found people with HIV who are able to produce antibodies called ADCC, which can trigger the immune system to find and attack the virus. Similarly, as quoted by The Age, Friday (6/5).

"Analysis of blood samples was also found antibodies to the HIV virus forced to change and make it weak," says Professor Stephen Kent, head of research.

"But because the antibody did not develop until he found his HIV virus, the antibodies can not immediately cure HIV, when they first arrived," he added.

Professor Kent explained that the antibody could be injected before the person gets infeski, for the sake of prevention.

"If a vaccine made ​​for this antibody, it can be used to prevent the virus," he said.

The team from the department of Microbiology and Immunology University of Melbourne is currently working on an HIV vaccine that would include ADCC antibodies.

"Around 30 million people worldwide infected with HIV, and that number will continue to grow,"concludes Professor Kent.


Ketchup Can Reduce Symptoms of Menopause  

Ketchup is now not just a complement to cuisine. Soy-based seasoning is fermented by microbes is claimed to reduce symptoms of menopause.

Previous studies have shown that soy has an anti-cancer properties and can also lower cholesterol. Now a new study that has been published in the Journal of Nutrition found other benefits of soy. Protein-rich snacks are claimed to reduce symptoms of menopause such as hot flush, lack of sleep and even bone loss in women.

As reported by the Telegraph, scientists say soy contain natural compounds that can help reduce production of estrogen, a hormone that contributes to problems of menopause. Research in Japan, where soy is used as a complement to the daily diet, found that Asian women tend to experience milder symptoms of menopause compared to women of America and Europe, who rarely use this cooking.

According to experts at the National Institute of Health and Nutrition, Tokyo, women who eat soy or soy sauce as its derivative products will produce S-equol compound in the body that can stop bone loss and fat accumulation in the early stages of menopause.

In his research, a group of women in Japan at the request of soy-based supplements containing S-equol. After taking for 3 months, symptoms of menopause including hot flush as well as neck and shoulder stiffness is much more reduced.

Menopause is associated with a new chapter in the lives of women in which the hormone estrogen decrease. Decrease in estrogen production is associated with bone loss. While milder symptoms such as hot flashes in menopausal women felt by every worldwide.

Thus, these foods could be an alternative to conventional hormone replacement therapy has been used to overcome discomfort in women during menopause.


Chocolate Consumption Reduce the Risk of Death  

Spectacular discovery, it turns out chocolate can lower the risk of death for patients who had experienced a heart attack. Those who ate chocolate can reduce the risk of death from heart attack as much as two to three times per mingggunya, than those who never ate chocolate.

In previous research, it was never any evidence that there is close relationship between food made ​​from cacao with lower blood pressure or increased blood flow.

But the study conducted Kenneth Mukammal from Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston who first revealed that eating chocolate may keep the risk of death for those who had suffered a heart attack.

"According to our findings, the antioxidants in chocolate is the answer to this," said Mukammal, as quoted by AFP.

"Antioxidants are compounds that can help fight free radicals," he added.

According Mukammal, free radicals are molecules that accumulate in the body and can damage cells. These free radicals also play a role in the occurrence of heart attacks, cancer and aging.

In this study, Mukammal and his team involving as many as 1169 female and male patients aged 45 to 75 years. They then monitor the patient's medical history from 1990 and noted when the first time they had a heart attack.

Researchers also noted the habit of consuming chocolate made ​​by the patient. The result, as has been predicted before, those who eat chocolate appears to be healthier and have longer life than those who do not eat chocolate at all.

Several other factors such as exercise habits, smoking, drinking alcohol and obesity also played a part in this research.


Diet 17 Day, New Way to Lose Weight  

Diet 17 days or 17 Day Diet is so talked about in the land uncle sam. It is said that with only 17 days, weight loss can be achieved. Really that simple?
17 Day Diet is a cycle of carbohydrate diet created by Dr. Michael Moreno, a family physician in California.

How the new diet was originally designed to help people lose weight after the holidays, but in fact how this diet can be followed at all times throughout the year to quickly lose weight and keep mempertahannya ideal. Similar to how other diets, 17 Day Diet begins by restricting carbohydrates and calories to lose weight quickly, then slowly incorporate 'good carbs' back into the body.

"I think this diet is probably the only diet that works for everyone," said Dr. Moreno in his book, as reported by FoxNews, Monday (25/04/2011).

Many thought with the way this diet people can lose weight within 17 days. In fact, 17 Day Diet consists of a series of cycles, each cycle takes 17 days.

Each cycle will replace what foods you should eat. Dr. Moreno says people can lose weight 4.5 kg to 5.4 kg in the first 17 days.

17 Day Diet follow-carbohydrate diet, but differs from other low-carb diet. This approach was taken to cycles of 17 days, known as the cycle of carbohydrates.

This diet requires the consumption of carbohydrates based on the phase adjustment that is being followed. Some stages are very limited intake of carbohydrates, while other phases allows a higher carbohydrate diet. This is similar to the shift in calories but the focus on carbohydrate intake.

Dr. Moreno indicated that the shift in the amount of carbohydrates you eat will confuse your metabolism and can contribute to losing weight faster.

How do I make 17 Day Diet?

17 Day Diet consists of four cycles of 17 days. All cycles have in common is to avoid sugar and processed foods. The fourth phase of the cycle is accelerating, turn, reach and phase arrive.

Phase 'speed up'
The first phase of the diet that is phase speed, dramatically reducing carbohydrates. This approach will lose weight quickly and increase fat burning.

Phase 'enable'
Phase activate introduce carbohydrate cycle. The goal is to reset a slow metabolism to promote weight loss and continue to provide the necessary support to avoid excessive weight loss.

Phase 'reach'
Phase reached adding that previously restricted foods back to the original menu options. This phase is designed to help a diet learn how to build healthy eating habits for life.

Phase 'arrived'
Arriving is the final phase of the plan 17 Day Diet. It is designed to help people maintain weight loss for life. This encourages healthy eating throughout the week and left little room for 'fun' at the weekend.

Sports 17 minutes
Along with the cycle of carbohydrate eating plan, this diet recommends 17 minutes exercise routine should be done six days per week.

What are the benefits and drawbacks?

Here are some of the benefits and disadvantages of the 17 Day Diet, as reported by lovetoknow on Monday (4/25/2011):


1. Taking a healthy approach that encourages eating natural foods
2. Cycle 17 days of different possible changes in food that can help eliminate the boredom that often sets in long-term diet
3. The way this diet is not complicated and easy to understand
4. It offers ideas for meal plan includes foods that are low carb recipes
5. Sports are recommended in this diet only takes 17 minutes.


1. Caloric intake may be too low for active people
2. The way this diet is not suitable for diabetics
3. This diet may not be suitable for people who are vulnerable to eating disorders such as irregular eating patterns.


Are you a Who's Waiting For Time Being A Mother?  

Pregnancy is the most anticipated the majority of couples who have married. You who are waiting for time to become a mother would feel a lot of things during pregnancy. Starting from the limp body, morning sickness, until the leg is swollen, all those things that are experienced by women who are pregnant. For some women, torture was regarded as something that will ultimately be very happy. And again, in fact there are many fun things that make a pregnant woman was so happy and enthusiastic with this process. If you have never experienced a pregnancy,

here are a few things that makes pregnancy into something fun.

Butterflies fluttering
Stock fluttering butterflies in the stomach may have felt when she fell in love with someone. But that was just feeling alone, while at the time of conception, the women will actually feel how the fluttering of butterflies in the stomach real. Starting from fluttering until a kick, it would be very unusual because there is something alive in there.

First Alarm
This is the most awaited couples who have married and are waiting for signs of pregnancy. If the pregnancy test tool, or a notice from a doctor stating the positive pregnant women, wow ... this is a very happy moment they. So do not be surprised if the husband does not stop kissing his wife when he knew that he would become a father.

New Clothes
Of course, women need a lot of new clothes during pregnancy. Starting from a loose shirt, flat shoes, jeans specifically pregnant women and others. This will make the ladies happy shopaholic. Not only for herself, the women will be very pleased with the super cute clothes for candidates for the baby. Picking out baby clothes will be something very nice.

Makin Love Stomach
If before it contains a lot of jealous women with abdominal others, artists such as ... Or it could be used to complain that the belly fat and so forth, then after starting to look pregnant and belly bulge, she will no longer care about the fat belly. The woman will be very enthusiastic and the more it loves the abdomen. Because enlargement of the abdomen in pregnancy is often proud of the women.

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Beware! Excess Vitamin C  

Supplements of vitamin C may be the most preferred one because it tastes good and fresh compared to other vitamin supplements. If the daily diet of fruits and vegetables have enough real vitamin C supplements are no longer needed.

Vitamin C is a vitamin that is most often encountered in many food products and beverages and the most frequently consumed. Some people may be happy to consume Vitamin C on a regular basis for reasons other than protection of the body, perhaps also because it tastes good.

Vitamins are also known as ascorbic acid has a function as the formation of collagen, antioxidants, antihistamines, immune system or immunity, tissue repair and a role in preventing bleeding.

Lack of water soluble vitamins that can give symptoms of disorders of the skin coloration, bleeding gums, reduces uric acid levels. So in those circumstances is advised to consume vitamin C.

The recommended daily dose is 45 milligrams per day. While the dose limit which still can be tolerated by the body up to 2000 milligrams per day.

If we regularly eat vegetables, fruits high in vitamin C, in fact no longer need to take supplements of vitamin C. Apart from vegetables and fruits, vitamin C also exist from animal food sources.

Or it helps us look at how much vitamin C that we consume in a day, because sometimes these supplements taste good so it does not feel we consume a lot.

Hypervitaminosis C or excess vitamin C in the body cause some mild side effects such as nausea, vomiting, intestinal cramps flushing or redness of skin, headaches, insomnia and diarrhea. While serious complications that may occur as penjendalan kin of blood, red blood cell disorders, dental erosion and kidney stones.


Diligent Tea Reduce Risk of Bone Loss  

The benefits of tea has been more often associated with the content of antioxidants in it that can inhibit cancer and the aging process. And drinking tea on a regular basis also provides other benefits, one of which prevent bone loss. A recent study in Taiwan prove, industrious women who drank tea less often affected by osteoporosis or thinning of bone mass. Research conducted by experts from Cheng Kung University, published in Taiwan Journal of Family Medicine.

Led by Dr. Chang Ying-fan, this study involving 368 adult women, average age 65 years. Quoted from Timeslive, 60 of them have a habit of drinking tea on a daily basis while the remaining 308 rarely or only occasionally when drinking tea.Based on the results of examination of bone and filling out the questionnaire, 46.7 percent of women who drank tea diligent of osteoporosis in old age. The budget is small compared with the group who rarely drank tea, which is 63.3 per cent.

Dr Ying-fan believe, at least there are 2 components in tea that is beneficial fluoride and flavonoids inhibit the bone loss that increases bone mass density. In addition, polyphenols and tannin compounds are believed to contribute to maintaining bone density.

This finding is contrary to the opinion of several experts who say that the tea dangers of the coffee, because it triggers bone loss. The opinion was based on the nature of the caffeine content in tea and coffee are shed via urine calcium in bone.Benefits of tea for the bone has also been expressed previously by researchers from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. In that study, 3 component of green tea which proved the merit in maintaining bone density is epigallocatechin (EGC), gallocatechin (GC) and gallocatechin gallate (GCG).

Osteoporosis is a type of bone damage suffered by most women especially after menopause. The damage was triggered by a reduction in bone density, so more prone to cracks and fractures, especially in the hip, wrist and spine.


8 things That Should Not Be Done After Eating  

Maintaining health is not only fixated on the type of food. More than that, you have to watch what should be done and should be abandoned after a meal. If observed properly, things should be left it, you will feel the benefit more from the food you consume.

1. Smoke
Imagine! Smoking alone is harmful to the body especially if it is you do after meals. Based on research, smoking one cigarette after a meal equivalent to smoking ten sticks. Thus, the possibility of cancer is much greater.

2. Eat Fruit
So far people wrong perception about this one. Most people eat fruit once regarded as a tradition and they believe the fruit as dessert. While eating the fruit after will make the air filled stomach bloating alias.

But that does not mean you should not News. Well, you try to consume the fruit with a lag time of 1-2 hours after eating. And do you eat fruit one hour before meals, this will make your stomach full and not eating too much.

3. Tea
Based on research, tea leaves have a high acid content. This causes kendungan protein in the food difficult to digest. Apart from that, drinking tea after eating can cause a barrier to the absorption of substances in the body by 80%. In fact, as we know, iron is needed for the growth of the quality of the human body.

4. Tie loosened Waist
This is a trivial but often done. Perhaps you mean that the food intake can be much more and you do not feel begah. Because of that, you loosen the belt. Did you know? Loosen the belt can cause the bowel twisted and blocked.

5. Bath
Although not many people do, sometimes there just are thinking about doing a shower after eating. In the morning most people prefer to eat first instead of a bath on the grounds after dinner would be a full belly and a desire to defecate greater. So you think to take a bath all bowel movements. In fact, bathing is done after a meal will increase blood flow to the hands, feet and body that cause the amount of blood around the stomach will continue to decrease. This will weaken the digestive system in the stomach.

6. Walking - Road
One more thing you really should avoid. Have you ever heard stories of people who are following the road race and marathon running motion suddenly vomited middle of the road? Yes, it is one of the reasons why you should not walk let alone run immediately after a meal. Walking will cause the digestive system is unable to absorb nutrients from food that has you eat.

7. Jump Sleep
One of the most difficult thing to avoid is the feeling of drowsiness after meals. Moreover, if the food you just consumed is very satisfactory in terms of the abdomen is very filling. However, try not to follow your drowsiness. Sleeping after eating a meal can not be digested properly. As a result, intestinal bloating and inflammation.

8. Drinking Cold Water
The last thing is that many people do not realize is the drink of cold water. Cold temperatures caused ice berkondesasi with water to freeze foods, especially those containing oils (fat will be frozen). Until finally it can build up fat in the intestines and cause narrowing of the digestive ducts and lead to obesity. Well, for that from now on try changing the ice water you usually drink with warm water to drink.


Honey Effective Against Super Bacteria  

Recent research shows, a type of honey used to heal wounds turned out to be a potent medicine has great potential to overcome the super bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics. As reported by the Daily Mail, reported manuka honey types effectively kill the three types of bacteria that commonly infect the body when wounded, including among other super germs Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA).

Manuka honey is a type of honey produced by bees residents in New Zealand manuka tree. Experts have known this type of honey for a long time because too often used in the products of modern wound healing. The problem is, the secret of strength in dealing with manuka honey wound is still a mystery.

A team led by Professor Ross Cooper of the University of Wales Institute Cardiff (UWIC), in his research, found that manuka honey was able to prevent the growth of bacteria with an unusual way. This honey can inhibit bacterial bonding process on the network, an important stage in the process of infection. "Preventing the bond also can inhibit the formation of biofilms, which can protect bacteria from antibiotics and let them cause infection simultaneously," said Cooper.
Another study conducted Cooper show, manuka honey makes MRSA become more sensitive to antibiotics such as oxacillin or effectively reverse antibiotic resistance.

"This indicates that current antibiotics may be more effectively cope with infections caused by resistant bacteria when combined with manuka honey," he explained.
According to Professor Cooper, further research would be done by improving the clinical use of honey because doctors are now faced with the problem of ever increasing cases of drug resistance. "We need innovative and effective way in controlling infection that likely will not contribute to increased antibiotic resistance," said Cooper, who published his findings in the conference "Society for General Microbiology" in the districts of Harrogate, North Yorkshire, England.


Healthy Sleep Could Help Lose Weight  

Lose weight while sleeping may sound like a dream come true, because losing weight without the need to fight hard. But research has shown that healthy sleep can affect appetite which ultimately have an impact on weight.

The results have been published in the Annals of Internal Medicine and Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism shows that sleep duration may affect appetite, the result can also be an effect on body mass index (BMI).

When people get a good nights sleep, at least 8 hours, your body produces the hormone leptin that regulates appetite. With enough leptin, people will feel full and satisfied after a meal so it does not need to eat a lot to make the stomach feel full, as reported by the LIVESTRONG, Tuesday (12/04/2011).

Adequate rest is also regulate the hormone ghrelin, a hormone that increases appetite. Reverse the positive effects of sleep deprivation, by making the production of leptin and ghrelin is reduced more, so that people feel less satisfied after a meal and consequently eat more and more frequently, which affects the weight gain.

Sleep deprivation can make people want to continue to eat more servings. This is caused by the body's internal clock that is not normal, so many people who sleep less gain weight suddenly.

In addition, lack of sleep also can make people not energized, so have a greater desire to eat foods that are sweet and starchy, or worse by drinking high fructose corn syrup.

These foods can provide an instant energy but causing blood glucose levels rise and fall dramatically, which ultimately makes you hungry faster and eat a lot.

National Sleep Foundation reports that less than 7 hours of sleep each night was associated with an increased risk of obesity, diabetes and an additional health problem in many clinical studies.

However, sleeping more than 9 hours of sleep per night is also not good because it can increase the risk of stroke.

Therefore, sleep healthy with sufficient time, ie 7-9 hours for adults. Not only the resting muscles, sleep also provide an opportunity for the immune system to produce hormones immunity.


Characteristics of Women at Risk of Heart Disease  

Not only men, women must begin now also more aware of heart disease by knowing what factors could be at risk. For example in America, the heart is now the leading cause of death in women. So the scientists also recommends that every woman know whether they are also at risk.

Here are some factors that could make you at risk of suffering from heart disease, as quoted from By know, you can immediately take steps to prevent early as possible.

You are at high risk if:
1. Coronary artery disease (stents, bypass surgery, and heart attack)
2. Experiencing a stroke or carotid (neck) artery disease
3. Blocked arteries in your legs
4. Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Experiencing the weakened artery in the abdomen
5. Chronic kidney disease
6. Diabetes

Your risk of heart disease if:
1. Smoker
2. Lack of movement
3. Overweight or obese
4. Having a family history of heart disease (father with heart disease less than 65 years of age or women with heart disease less than 55 years)
5. High blood pressure (over 130/85 mmHg)
6. High cholesterol (more than 200 mg / dL, HDL (good cholesterol) of less than 50 mg / dL)
7. Suffering from lupus or rheumatoid arthritis (an autoimmune disease)
8. Metabolic syndrome
9. Experienced complications during pregnancy such as diabetes-related complications of pregnancy, eclampsia or preeclampsia (hypertension associated with pregnancy).

This is also the first time there is the recommendation of high blood pressure related to pregnancy or diabetes as a risk factor for heart disease later in life even after pregnancy condition no longer need to be treated. A recent analysis also showed that women with these conditions double the risk of coronary artery disease (blockages in the arteries of the heart) and strokes in the next 5 to 15 years after pregnancy, as quoted by the British Medical Journal in 2007.

Autoimmune disease is now also being considered as a risk factor for heart disease and stroke. All risk factors should be optimized if you have lupus or rheumatoid arthritis.

Therefore, optimizing your health today. However, it is better to prevent than cure!


Eat Spinach for Look Younger  

All women would still want to look younger in every appearance. They also use a variety of expensive products to ward off wrinkles and premature aging. Though there is a natural choice to make the skin look younger. Spinach. Well, the cartoon character Popeye's food can reduce wrinkles effectively. If taken regularly for several weeks, the audience will look younger to 38 percent.

Spinach contains lutein, which effectively helps keep skin moist and elastic. You should consume about 100 grams of spinach every day to get the compound effect. In addition to lutein, spinach is also rich in vitamin A which is certainly good for your vision and also can strengthen the muscles of the eyes which will distance you from vision problems long distance or short distance.

Other Ingredients to make you stay young is vitamin K, which is ready to maintain your fertility longer and maintain the performance of your reproductive hormones work remains maximum.
The next most important point is the spinach could protect your brain stay young and active. Youth not only in appearance but also in personality. This is what you want is not


Vitamin E Risk Cause Heart Defect For Baby  

Women who are pregnant are advised not to consume vitamin E during pregnancy. This is because vitamin E can increase the risk of heart damage in babies will be born.

Research at the Erasmus MC, University Medical Centre, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, revealed that pregnant women who take vitamin E regularly, at nine times higher risk of having a baby with a heart condition that is not normal.

These results were revealed after a team of researchers looked at 276 women who gave birth to babies with heart conditions are not perfect and 324 women who gave birth to healthy babies. Approximately 32 percent of mother who gave birth to babies with heart defects are known to consume high doses of vitamin E daily.

The study, published in the British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology is mentioned, the average of mothers taking vitamin E is more than 14.9 mg per day during the first two months of pregnancy. This is what causes them at risk of having a baby with heart defects.

Research leader, Professor. Stuart Campbell, said that it was time the government advised pregnant women not taking vitamin E supplements during pregnancy. In addition in the form of supplements, vitamin E also are found mainly in nuts, eggs and vegetable oil.

Tiens Product For Pregnancy
1. Tiens Nutrients High Calcium Powder/ Calcium Chewable Tablets
2. Tiens Zinc Capsules
3. Tiens Vitality Softfel


Air Pollution Affects Child IQ Level  

Environment was contaminated with air pollution may affect fetal brain development. For the first time researchers in the United States, found a link between air pollution and low IQ scores (Intelligent Quotient) in children.

This result is known after a team of researchers from the Columbia Center for Children's Environmental Health conduct research on 249 children and the mother of each child. The research team previously, measuring air pollution levels are acceptable to pregnant women by using air quality monitoring tool. This tool is used by the mother during the last three months of pregnancy.

The mothers who were respondents living in the neighborhood mostly middle to lower in areas of Harlem and the Bronx, New York. Generally those living in the area frequently contaminated by air pollution from vehicle exhaust gas.

When the child turns 5 years of age, their children are given an IQ test. As a result, they are often contaminated with air pollution while still in the womb of the mother, get a value 4-5 times lower than children who are less exposed to air pollution.

"These results show substantial differences that could affect the performance of children in school," said Dr. Frederica Perera, lead investigator.


Not To Have Descendants? Having Sex Every Day  

Your household has not been granted a child? Problems descent can sometimes be quite sensitive to be discussed between husband and wife. Often the woman blamed for the problem of heredity. When in fact the men also had a big role.

It could be the reason is that your partner has poor sperm quality. If this is indeed the case, do not worry. From now invite your partner to have intercourse is intense.

According to research in Australia, have sex every day routine can significantly improve sperm-quality males. The results of this study revealed at a meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology in Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Dr David Greening of Sydney IVF, as a researcher, doing research on 118 men who on average have poor sperm quality. They were then asked to have intercourse with pasangannnya every day for one week.

From these results in mind that sex can reduce DNA damage in sperm of men. Although the frequency of sex is to reduce the amount of semen released, but for some men this is not problematic.

Dr David said, sex helps the sperm get out of the testis. This is very beneficial, because sperm are too long in the testicles can reduce sperm quality. Sperm damage suffered by many men, according to Dr David, usually caused by smoking, alcohol consumption and lack of exercise.

"Therefore, from now on should the couples who want to have a baby should begin to increase the intensity of the relationship," added Dr. David.


Effect Coffee for Women  

Women who drink caffeinated coffee will be able to perform better even in stressful situations.
Most people will drink coffee to cope with stress in the workplace. However, new research suggests this effect will be more influential in women than in men.

According to research published in the Journal of Applied Social Psychology, women who drank caffeinated coffee will be able to perform better even in stressful situations, compared to men.
The study, led by Dr Lindsay St Claire, a lecturer at the University of Bristol, this test whether the consumption of caffeine may aggravate stress and interfere with the performance of the team or vice versa.

The study was conducted by testing 64 people consisting of men and women, average age 22 years. In the study, they were asked to solve various puzzles, memory task collaboration and negotiation with same-sex couples, either after drinking caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee. After drinking caffeinated coffee, turns out a woman's ability to solve the puzzle 100 seconds faster than men's, quoted from page Aol. Next, the researchers theorize that when under stress, men tend to behave more aggressively, on the contrary women are more likely to collaborate.

Dr. Eric Braverman, director of PATH Medical in New York and author of "Younger (sexier) You 'say," Caffeine raises dopamine and can help you meet the needs in stressful situations, "he said.

But is it really can help women better cope with stress than men, says Braverman, entirely dependent on a group of people studied. Braverman said that women usually do not handle stress like most men, especially middle-aged women or older. He added that at this age, women lose bone mass and muscle mass, which helps overcome the strength of skills in the brain.


Be Careful, Mobile Phone Cause bone Thinning  

Habits keep the phone on his belt is generally done by men. From now on, alert your partner to no longer do so. The reason, according to a study in Turkey, put or keep the phone near the hip area can reduce bone density in the pelvic area which is commonly used for bone grafting.

Research that has been published in the Journal of Craniofacial Surgery, said that the electromagnetic fields emitted by mobile phones can give harmful effects of bone density.

For the study, researchers from Suleyman Demirel University, Isparta using X-ray absorptiometry to measure bone density of the circumference of the pelvis or iliac wings at 150 men who used to keep the phone on his belt. They carry cell phones at the hip on average about 15 hours a day, and have been using cell phones less than 6 years.

The research results showed, bone density decreased on the side of the pelvis is the place where the participants usually bring their cell phone. The difference is probably not very significant and is not close to the limit as decreased bone density in patients with osteoporosis. However, the men who become participants is still relatively young with a median age of 32 and is expected to decrease in bone density will continue as they age.

According to researchers, the iliac wings and pelvis are widely used for bone grafting. This means, the reduction of bone density will affect the reconstruction operation. In a process in which bone density is very important to get good results, then the surgeon should consider the effects of exposure to fields from mobile phones elektromanetik.

Therefore, the researchers hope their findings could be important so that the phone records in the future could reduce the exposure to electromagnetic fields of its users. But while, to prevent that from happening you'll want to keep as much as possible the phone from the body.

"It would be much better if you put the cell phone as far as possible from the body, during our daily activities," said the researcher Dr. Tolga Atay.

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