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Efficacy and Benefits of Drinking Water For Healthy Body Function  

The water we drink every day is actually a water minenal with the original blue color but because the measure is small then look clear so that people more aware of the water as water or mineral water . You know the efficacy and benefits of drinking water for the health of your body ?

The human body was made ​​up of 80 % water where the highest levels found in brain and human blood . From the research component of the water contained in the brain is composed of almost 90 % water and the blood of about 95 % is water constituent components .

Humans normally requires 1.5 - 2 liters of water per day or usually 8 glasses per day for a standard requirement in general . The water needs to replace body fluids that come out either from sweat while on the move or while urinating wasteful / art and also during bowel movements .

Water becomes a major component of the most important of the human body so that your metabolism running as normal and good that its survival is maintained . Also determine the age of a human being in body water content , from information obtained that the fetus in the womb of a pregnant woman water component reaches 100 % , the new born baby is composed of 75 % water , adult component consists of 60 % water and the parents who go age consists of 50 % water . To achieve healthy living normal circumstances one must adjust as needed based on age also his activity .

Maybe this time people usually only know the benefits of water only to the extent eliminate hunger or thirst to facilitate food after eating it. Though the efficacy of a lot of water to keep your body healthy in good shape .

When the water shortage will cause a variety of health problems and in a short time will be able to cause disease in the body , but also the water can cure various diseases . Drinking water is an easy and inexpensive way to maintain health and treat various diseases of the body , mineral water we drink can serve maintain freshness , healthy food helps the digestive process and also remove toxins from the body .

The following will be given in detail about some of the functions of water and also the efficacy and benefits of water for your health .

White Water Function

    Maintain freshness
    Keeping the immune system
    Assist the process of digestion
    Remove toxins from the body
    Solvent and carrier of nutrients to all parts of the body that need
    Water as a catalyst to facilitate and speed up biological reactions in the body
    Base - base lubricating joints in the body
    Distribute heat in the body
    Silencing collision every organ in the body

Efficacy and Benefits of Drinking Water

    Streamlining the Digestive System
    Burning calories will run efficiently
    White Water Helps Slow growth Substances Cause Cancer , plus prevent kidney stones and liver disease
    Beauty treatment , protecting the skin from the outside , as well as moisturize and nourish the skin
    For Fertility , Increase testosterone production in men and estrogen in women
    Cure heart disease , rheumatism , skin damage , Papas tract disease , intestinal and female diseases
    Hot water can cure various skin diseases , is also effective for treating paralysis , such as stroke .
    Provide Relaxation Effects in every nerve and organ
    Healthy diet to lose weight naturally
    Keep your body in good shape
    balancing the body
    Organs cleanse the body of toxins left after we eat junk food
    Prevent unpleasant body odor due to effective cleanse toxins from the body
    Making your own body fit
    Helps boost the immune system to fight the virus entry
    Prevent the body from fatigue and stress are also able to eliminate the tired and sore after the move
    Make hair healthy , beautiful , and not dull
    Treating acne naturally and membaut facial blemishes and acne free and fresh look
    Prevent wrinkles on the face
    Distribute nutrients needed by the body to muscles and bones
    Can cure various diseases

Plain water can not be denied benefits for the body to be able to run a variety of activity in case well . Humans to survive still alive then water is an important factor in keeping as an essential part in order to stay alive . In addition to eating , drinking and resting berakvitas to live with both the need to adopt a healthy lifestyle at all times .

But when the disease life adapted to the need for handling the illness . Surely anyone either traditional or modern therapists medicine certainly requires to drink plenty of mineral water in order to recover from the disease and also to maintain health , it is because it is quite a lot of benefits of water in curing various diseases .

White mineral water can cure various diseases

    High Blood
    Eye Disease
    Bleeding in the Eye
    Kidney Stones
    Urethral Diseases
    Irregular menstruation
    Inflammation or joint pain
    Uric acid is a natural natural drugs
    Inflammation of the mucus membrane
    Cardiovascular disorders
    Breast Cancer
    and treat various other diseases

Efficacy and Benefits functions Drink Water For Health Body very much good in keeping it in good shape is also able to treat a variety of diseases that have long suffered or new disease when you want to heal it can take advantage of water therapy in a way that is appropriate to drink .

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