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Cervical Cancer Symptoms, Causes and Risk Factors  

Cervical cancer symptoms, causes, risk factors and means of prevention. What is cervical cancer Cervical Cancer alias? Cervical cancer is one of the many cancers that occur in the female reproductive organs. Human papillomavirus (HPV) plays a role of causing most cases of cervical cancer. Women with cervical cancer will have some disorders, including pain and bleeding during intercourse.

When exposed to HPV , the body's immune system typically prevents the virus develops in the body . In the case of cervical cancer , HPV virus survive in the body for years and change some cells on the surface of the cervix into cancer cells . Cervical cancer usually occurs in women over the age of 30 years .

Symptoms of Cervical Cancer
You probably did not experience symptoms of cervical cancer - in the early stages of cervical cancer usually do not show signs and symptoms . This is why it becomes important examination .

Signs and symptoms of cervical cancer in advanced stages , among others :

    Vaginal bleeding during intercourse , while not in the coming month period or after menopause .
    Wet or vaginal bleeding that is thick and smells .
    Pain in the hip or pain during intercourse .

Causes & Risk Factors
Cause of Cervical Cancer

In general, cancer occurs due to mutation of normal cells into abnormal cells . Normal cells will grow and multiply on a regular basis . However, cancer cells grow and multiply uncontrollably self and the cells do not die . The accumulation of these cells would be great and called a tumor . Cancer cells invade nearby tissues and can break down the body from the source to spread to anywhere on the body .

There are two common types of cervical cancer

Squamous cell carcinomas of the cervix are at the bottom . This type is the cause of approximately 80 to 90 percent of cervical cancers .
Adenocarcinomas occur in the upper part of the cervix . This type is the cause of 10 to 20 percent of cervical cancers .

What are the causes of squamous cells or glandular cells become abnormal and develop into cancer is not clear . But HPV virus plays a role in this regard . Evidence suggests that the HPV virus is found in all cases of cervical cancer . But on the other hand there are many women who have never experienced HPV cervical cancer . This means there is the possibility of other factors also play a role , such as genetic , environmental or lifestyle .

Cervical Cancer Risk Factors

Some things that can increase the risk of cervical cancer include:

    Sexual intercourse with multiple partners
    Sexual intercourse when an early age
    Other sexually transmitted diseases
    A weak immune system

Prevention of Cervical Cancer

You can reduce the risk of cervical cancer by taking precautions HPV infection . Use a condom during intercourse because it can reduce the risk of HPV infection .

In addition is to :

    Postpone sexual intercourse until the age of maturity
    Faithful to spouse
    Avoid smoking
    Use preventive HPV vaccination
    Follow the inspection procedures cervical ( Pap smear test )

Cervical cancer can strike any woman , especially those who are less maintain their reproductive health . So always keep your health with a healthy lifestyle . May be useful .

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