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Tomato Benefit  

Tomatoes contain:

Vitamin C - there is a useful antioxidant to help remove free radicals in the body.

Tomatine - potent anti-inflammatory, carotene and citric acid. If the tomato rubbed on the face, the citric acid content may help lift dirt and grease, so they can use natural acne medicine with just rubbed it gently on her face.

Carbohydrates - if consumed regularly can be an additional source of energy for the body necessary for the performance of various body functions, such as the brain and stimulate the muscles of the body. GOOD News for the dieter's are low carb diets. Carbohydrates from the fruit more easily digested and better than the carbohydrates of rice / noodles / bread.

Fat - well this is important precisely for the dieter who are reducing food intake. Fat also contains essential fatty acids are beneficial to the skin and other body parts. Also works well to dissolve the vitamins A, D, E, K is good for the eyes & circulation (TIPS Good ni, kalo taking vitamin supplements, should also consume fat. Because no reply, vitamins will throw away from the body because there is not temenannya to digest vitamins that - you know about this will be discussed at another topic, ok!).

Protein - in the body become a source of amino acids the body uses to build and replace cells damaged.

Tomatoes become a mainstay to detoxify the body through juice therapy. In fact, according to research Ohio State University, tomatoes may help prostate cancer treatment, thanks to antioxidants (lycopene) they contain.

Powerful weapon in the form of the active ingredients of tomatoes called lycopene. This substance is an antioxidant compound classes and most carotenoids found in red tomatoes. In humans, these compounds are stored in the testes, adrenal gland, and prostate. The results of research in Italy show that high doses of lycopene consumption may reduce the risk of stomach and colon cancer. According to Drs. Ida Gunawan, MS, lycopene actually do not have provitamin A activity Only, his strength as twice the antioxidant beta-carotene (provitamin A) and ten times more than vitamin E. So the reaction of lycopene as an antioxidant in the body far above vitamins A, C, E, and other minerals. Various studies prove the benefits of lycopene. He is very good for preventing cancer, particularly epithelial cell cancers such as prostate, lung, colon (large intestine), ovarian, and breast.

Research on the benefits of lycopene have also done Dr. Ida in FKUI Jakarta. Subject research is a light smoker. "Before you were given the substance lycopene, likositnya DNA damage is very high. However, after I give lycopene, big changes. The first day it was no improvement of 43.2 percent. Lycopene is derived from the tomato juice," said the nurse lecturer Academy St.. Carolus, Jakarta this. Content of tomatoes would not only lycopene, but there are also fiber, phosphorus, potassium, beta-carotene, vitamin C, and others. Indeed most of lycopene, which is 56.6 percent. He therefore advocated the consumption of tomato juice of about 400-600 grams per day. The process of cooking will not destroy lycopene. Lycopene cooked precisely to be more easily absorbed by the body, especially if the pan-fried with a little olive oil.

The best way to get the maximum benefit of lycopene, he says, with a steaming tomatoes about 5-10 minutes until the outer skin peeled off. The aim attached to the matrix on the outer skin off. Thus, lycopene is bound to the matrix can be easily removed. After steaming, blend tomatoes approximately 2.5 minutes. Only then filtered and drunk. "Drink after dinner, so be extra fat from our food / create. Based on my research, processed tomato juice 350 grams a day is capable of repairing damaged DNA to nearly 50 percent," he said.

For those who are difficult to stop smoking, he advocated for processed tomato juice on a regular basis. Smokers have a free radical attack is huge. In fact, smoke-free radicals also cause DNA damage. That means smokers are potentially known heart attack, cancer, impotence, and pregnancy disorders. With processed tomato juice, DNA damage can be repaired. Lycopene in principle, a red pigment yellow. Fruits, vegetables, and meat animals yellowish red must contain lycopene. In addition to tomatoes, lycopene is found in lobster and salmon.

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1 komentar: to “ Tomato Benefit

  • rossi
    7 Desember 2009 pukul 00.11  


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