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Look Beauty With Enough Sleep  

Myth adequate sleep will affect the health and beauty has long been known. But the latest study says that the concept is not just a myth. People who have sleep enough, about 8 hours, will look more attractive than people with less sleep.

Research by a team of researchers from the Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden, proves people who get enough sleep not only look more attractive, but also healthier and fitter. sleep less than that time.

The researchers find that after their faces photographed 23 men and women after they had slept enough and then photographed again after awake for 31 hours. The process of shooting is made in the same standard, such as how close to the camera, do not wear makeup until wajahnay expression.

"People who sleep less visible are not attractive, less healthy and more easily tired than those with adequate rest time,"the researchers wrote in a report published in the British Medical Journal.

Professor of Sleep and Physiology at the Surrey Sleep Research Centre, Derk-Jan Dijk, said the impact of sleep deprivation is much worse than the images obtained in the study because the photo was taken at noon when the body clock is in full consciousness. "Imagine the faces of people in the middle of the night or early morning hours when he asks her to sleep," he said.

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