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Brush Teeth Twice a Day Prevent Heart Disease  

One more reason why you need regular brushing. The latest research says, rarely brush my teeth twice a day can increase your risk of heart disease significantly. Disclosed, they are rarely brush my teeth, 70 percent greater risk of improving the condition than those who regularly clean the teeth in the morning and evening.

Previous studies have shown a link between gum disease with heart disease. However, this is the first study to assess how often should a person brushing his teeth to reduce that risk.

The experts from University College London believe that inflammation in the body, including the mouth and gums, clogging arteries and causing role of heart attacks. Bacteria from the mouth can enter the blood vessels that disrupt the immune system. As a result, the blood vessel walls become inflamed and narrowed.

This research was conducted by looking at the data more than 11 000 adults. All participants are asked about their behavior and lifestyle, including how often they brush her teeth. Researchers also look at medical history and a history of heart disease and blood pressure and blood samples of participants.

After following the participants for eight years, found 555 cases of serious heart problems, in which 170 of them fatal. Findings also showed that only 62 percent who visit your dentist every six months and only 71 percent of participants who claimed to brush your teeth at least twice a day.

Participants who never or rarely brushed my teeth, 70 percent greater risk of heart disease compared to participants who brushed his teeth twice a day. This was concluded after the researchers accounted for other heart disease risk factors, such as obesity and smoking habits. The researchers said that overall risk of heart disease that occur because of maintaining oral hygiene is still quite low.

Professor Richard Watt, who led the study, said: "Our results mengonfimrasi and strengthen links between oral health and the risk of heart disease."

These findings have been published online by the British Medical Journal.

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