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High Doses of Vitamin E Can Triger Lung Cancer  

Vitamin E is one kind of vitamin that plays an important role in the body to prevent aging. However, when consumed in high doses, can increase the risk of lung cancer, reports a study published earlier this February. The U.S. study involving 77 thousand participants indicated that taking 400 milligrams per day for long periods can increase cancer risk by 28 percent, especially among smokers.

The result of research published in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, also gave a similar warning from the threat of beta-carotene when consumed excessively. Researchers recommend that, intake of vitamin E should not be obtained from synthetic drugs. To get the best benefits, vitamin E should be obtained from natural sources like fruits and vegetables. Dr. Tim Byers of the University of Colorado said, balanced and healthy diet which is realized in a way to benefit from the nutrients and minerals in a broad scope, can help avoid the risk of cancer.

For the study, researchers monitor the intake per day of vitamin C, folic acid and vitamin E and participants aged 50 to 76 for four years. Throughout the study, 521 developed lung cancer. Smoking habits, family history and age are all factors which had unsurprisingly strong links to cancer risk. Meanwhile, the use of vitamin C and folic acid has not effected, another case with vitamin E. After calculating and analyzing data for about eight years, researchers concluded there is an additional risk increased by 7 percent of every 100 milligrams of vitamin E taken per day.

The vitamin E trend was most prominent among smokers, but was not restricted. Vitamin E is known to be an antioxidant capable of protecting cells from molecules called free radicals. However, the U.S. researchers speculate that, in high doses, it may also act pro-oxidant, causing oxidation that triggers cell damage.

¨ Contrary to many assumptions about the benefits of vitamin E, this vitamin as a supplement related to the risk of lung cancer. Future research might focus on other components in fruits and vegetables that may explain the decrease in cancer risk associated with fruit and vegetables, ¨ said Dr. Christopher Slatore from the University of Washington who led the research.

Meanwhile, a study in Finland involving 29 thousand male smokers found taking beta-carotene - which is converted into vitamin A in the body - declared an 18 percent increased risk of lung cancer.


Snoring Indicate Stroke and Heart Disease  

When you include people who often slept with a snoring or snoring should be vigilant. Not impossible, that habit becomes a sign that you are suffering from a high-risk heart disease and stroke. Snoring or vibrating sound during sleep soundly indeed long been suspected of experts associated with health disorders. Now, the indication is strengthened by the results of a study in Hungary that have linked snoring habits of heart disease and stroke

Riet involving more than 12 thousand patients and published in the Journal Sleep concluded that heavy snorer has a significant trend of having a heart attack or stroke than those who did not snore. These findings further strengthen the theory by researchers earlier about hubungaan between snoring with cardiovascular disease. Snoring is actually symptoms that can be experienced at various stages of any age. But this habit of carrying more commonly found in approximately 40 percent of men dewas adan 24 percent of adult women.

Snoring sound is caused by obstruction of air flow through the channel located at the back of the mouth and nasal cavity. At the time of the muscles of the palate and uvula (part of the ceiling, which extends from the top to the base of the tongue) in a relaxed state, they can vibrate to produce sound when the snorer breathes.

For years, experts are always aware that there is a strong correlation between snoring with different types of vascular disease (CVD) such as heart disease or stroke.

Research conducted by Hungarian experts are giving evidence to reinforce this suspicion. In his research, the experts interviewed around 12 thousand people to gather data about the patient's snoring habits. Once analyzed, it was revealed that the 'heavy snorer' has a 34 percent greater tendency of having a heart attack and 67 percent greater risk of experiencing a stroke.

Researchers said the case accompanied by loud snoring with breathing that stops can be used to identify a person's risk of heart disease and stroke. Data show that patients who snore loudly are not exactly not at increased risk. The good news again, particularly for men, the propensity for snoring also decreased after they passed the age of 70 years.


Really Obesity Caused by Bacteria?  

The cause of obesity has been found. Bacteria claimed to have been behind all this. According to the researchers in Atlanta, the bacteria that live in the intestine is suspected as the cause of obesity and other health-threatening symptoms that accompany it. Mentioned in the journal Science, could be certain bacteria cause inflammation that can affect appetite and inflammatory bowel conditions, such as Crohn's disease and colitis. In other words, germs make your appetite increase.

"Previous research stated that bacteria can affect how well the energy absorbed from food, but the findings suggest that gut bacteria can affect appetite," said Andrew Gewirtz, researchers from Emory University in Atlanta. Andrew said the obesity epidemic is driven by people who eat too much, but why do people eat too much, he has found the answer.

The results showed that the bacteria proved to play a role. possibility of bacterial populations that grew because of other competing organisms have been destroyed by antibiotics, access to clean water, and other factors derived from modern life. These findings obtained by Andrew and his team are not intentional.

"We are studying mice that had colitis," Andrew said in a telephone interview.

Researchers suspect several types of bacteria responsible, so they transfer the embryos into the mother mouse replacement to prevent them from being infected by their own biological mother. Infant rats controlled by bacteria and other micro-organisms immediately after birth - that survive on the skin and intestines - very similar to the one on the mother.

Although colon inflammation seemed to improve, but the baby rats become more obese and to develop metabolic syndrome, namely a group of symptoms such as unhealthy cholesterol levels, too much fat around the midsection, high blood pressure and insulin resistance. Insulin resistance occurs when the body does not use insulin effectively to break down food. And this is believed to Andrew as the key cause.

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Blood Sugar Rise After Eating, Can trigger Heart  

Beware increase in blood sugar after meals. This condition can lead to liver dysfunction that can lead to heart failure. For most people with diabetes, increased blood sugar levels after meals became a thing taken for granted, even if the numbers through the normal limit, ie 140 mg / dL. For them, the least normal baseline is the examination of blood sugar before eating and fasting blood sugar.

In fact, those who always have elevated levels of blood sugar should be vigilant. Section, high blood sugar after a meal will increase the formation of oxidative stress, namely free radicals which trigger blood vessel function disorder. This is the beginning stage of the journey of heart disease. Figures for the study of most experts in the world, shows that 84 percent of people with type 2 diabetes has increased above normal blood sugar after every meal.

The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) in Amsterdam, Netherlands recommends the latest results that emphasize the importance of watching the condition of diabetic patient's blood sugar after eating no more than 140 mg / dL at two hours after eating. While in healthy people, blood sugar condition has been arranged in such a way by the body, so that when blood sugar increases after eating, he will release the hormone insulin to drop him.

Plus, a rise in blood sugar after meals in normal people, will not exceed 140 mg / dL, and will go down in two hours afterwards because it is managed by the metabolism in the body. However, in diabetics, control of the body to increase blood sugar is very bad.

After eating, blood sugar will stay high up in a rather long period of time, this is because the body does not have enough insulin in charge of lowering blood sugar, or perhaps none at all produced insulin the pancreas organ. Symptoms of people with high blood sugar that tends to it is called diabetes.

Diabetes will not mean anything for the sufferer, until complications arise. Complications associated with diabetes include cardiovascular disease and stroke, renal failure until terminal kidney failure, visual impairment to blindness, gangrene in the feet until there is an amputation, and impotence that generally occurs in men.

These complications not only lowered the quality of life for people with diabetes, but also death threats. Not to mention the economic impact resulting from complications of diabetes care costs are likely to be high. "Complications of diabetes occurred in all organs in the body by flowing blood vessels small and large, the cause of death of 50 percent from coronary heart disease and 30 percent due to kidney failure. Besides mortality, diabetes also causes of disability. 30 percent of people with impaired vision due to diabetic complications retinopathies and 10 percent had to undergo leg amputations. In fact, diabetes kills more than HIV / AIDS. To prevent it, blood sugar before eating should always be controlled.

Blood sugar after meals is the main contributor to the formation of glikat hemoglobin values (HbA1c). Figures HbA1c reflects the average blood sugar level of patients during the last 2-3 months, so it can be likened to the quarterly report card evaluation. IDF recommends a target HbA1c values in patients with diabetes is 6.5 percent.

The higher the number of HbA1c, it means worse blood sugar trends in the last 2-3 months experienced by the patient. Results showed that lower HbA1c values, means reduce the risk of diabetic complications. HbA1c inspection can be conducted in laboratories or hospitals and clinics. Since long, HbA1c is considered a result of the combined value of fasting blood sugar value (before eating) and after meals. Therefore, it is very important for patients to maintain the value between the two. However, recent research shows that high blood sugar after meals (post-meal hyperglycemia) is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular complications. In fact, if the patient had a normal HbA1c value though.

Therefore the role of blood sugar after meals is important, the IDF has set a target guideline value of blood sugar two hours after meals to be directed always below 140 mg / dL. The role of blood glucose monitoring using blood sugar monitoring devices (eg, Accu-Chek from Roche) becomes very important, because the practicality of measuring patients' blood sugar quickly, whenever needed.

The presence of such devices is a revolution for the world of diabetes, because patients can now easily manage their own diabetes, and at the same time establishing a healthy lifestyle should be lived every patient with diabetes. Data "real-time" given this blood sugar monitoring devices, also help doctors in mengambilputusan therapy for patients. Therefore, information on trends in blood sugar is also an important basis for the physician in determining the dose and type of drugs needed.

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Faster Slender and Healthy  

Often we hear someone eat a little, but her weight kept going up. While there are people who eat a lot, but weight is always controlled. That's because the basal metabolic rate (BMR) is low so the body burns calories by slow and easy to store fat.
Want to increase the BMR? Try this way:

1st. Eat early
Remember, always breakfast to supply energy needs. Focus on the food menu is low fat, high fiber, protein, and complex carbohydrates. A diet like this will not quickly make the hungry. In contrast, fatty food is not enough to satisfy the tongue and stomach because the body look fat as an energy source that is used only during an emergency.

2. Do not make yourself hungry
Do not just cut calories needs. Because, the body will think it was too drastic reduction in calories as a harbinger of the coming of the famine. BMR was decreased. As a result, despite eating less, weight never dropped.

3. Add protein
The amount of energy to digest protein produced higher compared with the energy to digest carbohydrates. Still eat carbs, but try adding meat, tofu, and soybeans to burn ekstraenergi.

4. Select sport aerobic
Aerobic exercise can include exercise, walking, bicycling, or swimming. The benefit is to increase the BMR can be felt immediately. Weight training also has a calorie burning effect that could be felt several hours after exercise.

5. Do not forget weight training
Train the muscle with weight training two to three times a week. Half a kilogram of muscle burns nine times more calories than a pound of fat. Regular weight training in a cool spot to raise the body temperature can also raise your metabolic rate at rest up to 9 percent. Not bad, right? You just sit back while burning calories.

6. Sports prior to menstruation
Create the women, regular exercise two weeks before menstruation can burn about 30 percent fat. Why? Sports tend to be better performance at the final menstrual period, when ovarian hormone secreted high.

7. Many drinking
Dehydration causes the body's metabolism is inefficient. Lack of water causes the body temperature down so that your metabolism down and your body will store fat to increase the temperature.

8. Vitamin B Supplements
Vitamin B helps the body use energy, supports the adrenal and thyroid systems, and to encourage energy production inside and outside the cell. Maybe you need to supplement vitamin B if MRL too low.

9. Nutrition for thyroid
Important for the metabolism of the thyroid. Do not forget mengasup iodine-rich foods, such as salmon, tuna and seaweed. Also, vitamin B, C, E, niacin, and zinc contained in brown rice, avocado, and orange.

10. Spicy food
The content of capsaicin in chili peppers can temporarily increase your metabolism. Capsaicin This will force the body to spend more adrenaline accelerate the fat burning process.

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Carefully Using Soy Supplements  

Soy supplements to the diet is not effective in controlling blood sugar in older women at high risk or in the early stages of type 2 diabetes. The findings reported in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition is confirmed that compounds in soy protein and isoflavones (phytoestrogens) that are structurally similar to human estrogen, may help control blood sugar levels. But so far, some mild clinical trials have been done to reach different conclusions about whether the foods made from soy or soy protein supplements beneficial for diabetics (diabetasi).

For this latest study, researchers in Hong Kong to recruit 180 postmenopausal women, both who have been diagnosed with prediabetes (high blood sugar levels, but not high enough for the diagnosis of diabetes type 2) or who are in early stages of diabetes and have not started any treatment.

Liu Zhao-min and his colleagues at the Chinese University of Hong Kong women were randomly divided into three groups. The first group was asked to consume a supplement containing milk protein powder. The second group was asked to consume milk protein supplement plus soy isoflavones. And the third group were asked to consume soy protein supplements with isoflavones additional enhancements.

The three groups were asked to consume these supplements every morning, mixed into their drinks. After six months, Liu and his team found no clear benefit, either in supplements or supplements of milk plus soy isoflavones in women's blood sugar control or insulin levels (a hormone that regulates blood sugar).

One exception, the researchers write that there are effects of "slightly better" of soy supplementation on blood sugar levels woman, two hours after eating. However, they conclude, the findings do not support the theory that soy or isoflavone supplements beneficial overall blood sugar control in women as in research.

Supposedly, these findings are not seen as the final word on soy and diabetes, according to Liu and his team. They note that this is the first controlled clinical trial seems specifically designed to see the effects of soy supplements in people with prediabetes or type 2 diabetes early untreated.
He said, needed "additional studies based on more testing, using different soy, and phytoestrogens settings are ensured."


Trans Fat Threatening Woman Fertility  

Warning for you women. Should begin to limit the processed foods that contain trans fats, such as biscuits, cake or pie if you want to escape from endometriosis. Foods that are rich in trans fat content, the researchers believed more risky improve the condition of the uterus that tend to be infertile.

A study found that women with the highest consumption of trans fats, 48 percent greater risk of experiencing endometriosis compared with those in low consumption. Endometriosis can occur in one out of ten women and can cause infertility. Endometriosis is a medical condition in women characterized by the growth of endometrial cells outside the uterus. Sometimes this disease does not cause symptoms at all, but in some cases of infertility are also experiencing severe pain.

In this study, women who become participants were asked to complete a questionnaire relating to food consumed every four years between 1989 and 2001. Researchers then calculate how many women affected by endometriosis. The results show that the total fat in the diet is less affected, but the type of fat consumed associated with endometriosis risk. Trans fats are also associated with an increased risk of heart disease.

Trans fats are liquid oils that have been turned into a solid of a process called hydrogenation and are in thousand fast food to give texture. The process of hydrogenation is the process of converting unsaturated fatty acids to saturated fatty acids. Unsaturated fatty acids commonly found in vegetable materials such as vegetable oil, while saturated fatty acids contained in animal materials such as margarine and butter.

As quoted by the, studies involving more than 70,000 women in America, is the largest to see a connection between diet and endometriosis. Previous studies have found that eating four grams of trans fats a day can cause infertility in women.

However, this study also found that eating foods high omega 3 fatty acids such as those found in fish oils, seem to be able to protect the abnormalities in the womb. The participants who consume foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids can protect themselves against this disease and decreased risk by 22 percent.

Research that has been published in the journal Human Reproduction says that trans fats increase inflammation in the body encouraging bad cells in the lining of the uterus to grow, while omega-3 fatty acids act to shrink their growth.

Lead author Dr Stacey Missmer, an assistant professor of obstetrics, gynecology and reproductive biology at Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School in Boston, United States, said: "This study provides a strong indication that we are on the right track in identifying that a diet rich Omega-3 oils can protect from endometriosis while trans fats have adverse effects. "


Treat Heart Failure With a Cheaper Method  

Good news for all you people with heart disease. The heart doctors have managed to find non-surgical cardiac treatment more cheaply. Patients with heart failure can now breathe easier. Now they do not need to run a leaking heart valve surgery procedure which of course painful and high-cost vacuum. NorthShore University Health System in Evanston, Ill., United States, have discovered a new method replaces the operation.

They managed to make a small clip implanted in heart arteries through Laparoscopic surgery. The result, tiny objects called MitraClip Abbott is actually more secure and almost equal effectiveness by surgery. Currently this health device has officially sold in Europe. Company manufacturer, Abbott Laboratories, hoping to win a tender to market in the United States next year.

Hollywood actress Elizabeth Taylor is reported to have had such equipment in the autumn of last year. Women's aging 77-year-old told his fans on social networking site Twitter. Known, about 8 million people in the United States and Europe suffer from heart mitral valve leakage, which is the heart valve between the left upper and lower.

Not all heart patients classified as fatal to require treatment, but the worst cases can lead to heart failure later in life. In the study in mind, heart sufferers who run the operation six times greater risk to suffer complications than those using the MitraClip Abbott.

Death, stroke, and blood transfusion was not a concern to be prevented with this device. Doctors call this discovery as the first major test of heart valve repair or replacement through the blood vessels rather than surgery. For information, MitraClip only to improve mitral valve.

Device for other heart valves are in the final stages of testing and many doctors believe that they will soon be made in the near future. "(What matters) we have opened the door to new therapeutic options for patients," says Dr. Ted Feldman NorthShore University Health System in Evanston, Ill., USA.

Feldman was the leader of the new study and has presented it in front of the American College of Cardiology conference on Sunday (14 / 3). This study was sponsored by Evalve Inc., which developed the device. Evalve sold last year to North Chicago, Ill.,-based Abbott, and Feldman is a consultant for the company.

Some surgeons still not sure this device is as effective as surgery. They say patients should continue to be monitored history of the disease to more than one year. "This is a partial victory for the set," said Dr James McClurken, a surgeon at Temple University in Philadelphia, United States. McClurken is the chairman of the conference committee.

"This study uses an outdated method, which could ignore the benefits are many and have stood the test of the operation," said Dr J Scott Millikan, a surgeon at the Billings Clinic in Montana, United States. However, researchers still insist on this matter. "Clearly this is a very interesting technology," explains Feldman.

However, researchers acknowledge the success of this device will run slower. Known, such as mitral valve entrance that opens to let blood flow to the heart to pump it to every booth. When the flaps of the swinging door is not closed completely, the blood flows back into the upper chamber of the heart. It makes blood flow obstructed.

Drugs can actually relieve heart failure symptoms, but does not fix the valve problem, even worse. Worst case cured with cardiac surgery. Doctors sewed most amid flap so that blood flows in both sides, but they kept pumping in each heartbeat.

MitraClip use of this procedure performed, where patients receiving general anesthesia first. The doctor will push a tube into a blood vessel closing in your groin and took it to heart. MitraClip tools, cloth-covered metal clamps, are mounted at the end of the tube together with two flaps of the valve clip. Results in this study, 184 people agree to use the clip and was successfully operating procedures to 136 people.

Complications occurred in 10 percent of users compared to 57 percent clip from the 79 other patients who were treated with surgery. This is certainly better. Two surgical operations meakukan patients died, two suffered a stroke, and four required emergency heart surgery. However, there are no clips from the patient users who have had problems.

This suggests that the use of MitraClip much safer than surgery. While related effectiveness, this study did not answer further. This study was designed only to see whether the use of the device or not clip lower than the operation substantially.

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